Firearm Training

Handle and use of a firearm (Civilian Use)

Handgun Training

Image of Knowledge of the Firearm Control Act Book 117705 + Handle and Use a Handgun 119649

Self Loading Rifle Training

Image of Knowledge of the Firearm Control Act Book 117705 + Handle and Use a Self-Loading Rifle 119650           


Bolt Action Rifle Training

Image of Knowledge of the Firearm Control Act Book 117705 + Handle and Use a Manually Operated Rifle 119651

Shotgun Training

Image of Knowledge of the Firearm Control Act Book 117705 + Handle and Use a Shotgun 119652

Handle and Use a Firearm for
Business Purposes

Handle and Use a Handgun/Shotgun/ Self Loading Rifle or Carbine/ Manually Operated Rifle or Business For Business Purposes

Option 1 (Complete Course) Knowledge of Act + 1 Unit Standard + 1 Business
Unit Standard

Knowledge of the Firearm Control Act Book 117705 + Handle and Use
a Handgun 119649 + Handle and Use a Handgun for Business Purposes 123515

Knowledge of the Firearm Control Act Book 117705 + Handle and Use
a Shotgun 119652 + Handle and Use a Shogun for Business Purposes 123514

Knowledge of the Firearm Control Act Book 117705 + Handle and Use
a Self-Loading Rifle 119650 + Handle and Use a Self-Loading Rifle for Business Purposes 123511

Knowledge of the Firearm Control Act Book 117705 + Handle and Use a
Manually Operated Rifle 119651 + Handle and Use a Manually Operated Rifle
for Business Purposes 123519

Option 2 (For persons that have successfully completed Knowledge of the
Firearms Control Act and One Unit Standard

Business Unit Standard Only

Handle and Use a Handgun for Business Purposes 123515

Handle and Use a Shogun for Business Purposes 123514

Handle and Use a Self-Loading Rifle for Business Purposes 123511

Handle and Use a Manually Operated Rifle for Business Purposes 123519