About Us

At Southern Sky Operations we have a passion for firearms, and our aim is to share our passion with anyone who is interested, and to empower men and women to learn, use and enjoy firearms safely and responsibly. We focus on a select clientele of law enforcement, government departments, security companies and various end users.

We are in a unique position – Having been in the firearm industry in Johannesburg for many years, we have decided that it might be a good idea to try something similar in a different place. We did some market research and picked Durban. We felt that there was a unique gap in the market and that we could offer something special. Not necessarily by offering unique products, but by offering a unique shopping experience for our clients by being heavily customer-oriented.

Our clients know that when they come into our store their individual needs will be catered for, whether it’s just a cup of coffee or chatting about the their specific needs.

Our value proposition is distinctive because we provide individual services and a friendly environment that is wholly focused on the customer.


Our shop is where the business and dealings are made; it is the heart of SouthernSky Operations, as here you will find top-quality staff ready to assist and advise you on all your security needs. The shop is stocked with numerous handguns, rifles, shotguns, ammunition, accessories, clothing, tactical gear and more. What you cannot find in our shop, we can easily arrange for you in an acceptable time period.

The Vault is located within the shop and secured by an SABS-approved level 3 safe door. The safe is roughly 40 m2, with shelves for handguns and long guns, and is completely dry and secure from the elements.

We offer storage facilities for clients looking to store firearms, ammunition and equipment. Our Vault has been designed in such a way that clients have separate storage areas designated solely for their firearms, ammunition and equipment.


Four Lane Range

Single Lane Range


SouthernSky Operations have a dedicated in-house team setup to assist with all transportation and collection needs clients may have. We have a fleet of vehicles all with the relevant SABS and SAPS certification, which allows us to transport dangerous goods, firearms and ammunition.

We have various MOUs set with preferred service providers that have indoor, as well as outdoor ranges. We take safety and security very seriously and only recommend shooting ranges that have the same mindset and outlook. All ranges are geographically located within accessible distance from SouthernSky Operations.

Our affiliated Training Academy has 2 classrooms where lectures are presented; one large and one medium-sized classroom. The classrooms are equipped with practice firearms, dummy rounds, props and white boards. There is also a large floor area for dry fire practice routines, movable standing boards to simulate cover shooting/house clearing and close quarter combat training.


  • Weapons and ammunition procurement
  • Non-lethal weapons procurement
  • Body armour procurement
  • Tactical gear procurement
  • Weapon storage
  • Transportation services
  • Weapon maintenance
  • Training – Private and corporate: competency training, refresher courses, security guard training, tactical training, evaluation of training
  • Legal advice – Licences, motivations, appeals
  • A range of accessories equipment
  • Physical training – Self-defense training and close quarter combat
  • Glock armoury and familiarisation courses

Training - Accredited Courses

    • SAQA Unit Standard 117705. Knowledge of the Firearms Control Act 60 of 2000.
    • SAQA Unit Standard 119649. Handle and Use of a Handgun.
    • SAQA Unit Standard 119652. Handle and Use of a Shotgun.
    • SAQA Unit Standard 119650. Handle and Use of a Self Loading Rifle/Carbine.
    • SAQA Unit Standard 119651. Handle and Use of a Manually Operated Rifle.
    • SAQA Unit Standard 123515. Handle and Use of a Handgun for Business Purposes. Regulation 21 Training.
    • SAQA Unit Standard 123514. Handle and Use of a Shotgun for Business Purposes. Regulation 21 Training.
    • SAQA Unit Standard 123511. Handle and Use of a Self Loading Rifle for Business Purposes. Regulation 21 Training.
    • SAQA Unit Standard 123 519. Handle and Use of a Manually Operated Rifle for Business Purposes. Regulation 21 Training.
    • SAQA Unit Standard 123 510. Apply Tactical Knowledge in the Use of Firearms.
    • SAQA Unit Standard 123 513. Demonstrate Tactical Proficiency With a Handgun.
    • SAQA Unit Standard 123 518. Demonstrate Tactical Proficiency With a Self Loading Rifle or Carbine.
    • SAQA Unit Standard 123 512. Demonstrate Tactical Proficiency With a Shotgun

Training - Non Accredited Courses

The non-accredited courses offered by various firearms training academies are vast in scope. These courses offer security companies, law enforcement, government departments and individuals the chance to train their operators in tactical urban manoeuvres and are tailored to small reaction teams. The training will enhance the tactical skill of security operators so as to respond to different situations as they arise and ensuring the operators will handle situations effectively and confidently. The training will also result in less operator deaths or injuries due to poor tactics in contact situations or negligence while on the road. Courses can be tailored to the specific needs of our clients.

Dynamic Handgun and Rifle Training

Advanced level training for operators, with the emphasis placed on urban environments. These courses teach shooting on the move, shooting behind cover, engaging multiple targets and transition between weapons.

Advanced Shotgun Training

Advanced training with the shotgun including transition between handgun and shotgun, engaging multiple targets, speed drills and familiarisation, all with the emphasis on operating in Urban Environments.

Tactical Small Team Manoeuvres

Most security companies operate using two man teams, a driver and support member; this training focuses on the urban environment catering for handgun, rifle and shotgun.

It isessential operators are taught the dynamics of vehicle drills, close quarter combat and working in small, close knit teams.

Two-Man Teams

Training covers utilising cover and successfully engaging and eliminating the enemy in as short a time as possible.

Vehicle Drills

Training covers the fundamentals of vehicle usage in a contact situation; embossing and debossing, forward movement, and using a vehicle for cover.

Close Quarter Battle

Training individuals or teams to successfully and safely clear rooms, stairways and buildings of enemy. Training can be conducted on all three weapons: handgun, rifle and shotgun.

Scenario Training

Training suited to the needs of the client, the environment and risk factor. Different scenarios are simulated and operators are taught and shown the best methods to deal with each situation.

Miscellaneous Training

  • Range Officer Compliance Testing: Assistance with staff compliance testing.

  • Basic Riot Control Formations: Formations and movement training.

  • Close Quarter Combat: Fitness, Basic hand-to-hand, weapon retention and weapon disarming.
